Call for Proposals: Scholarship Transfer Services for students and teachers in five provinces in Thailand
Local and/or National Competition (LNC)
Country of Destination: Thailand
Reference Number: RFP/ED/BGK/2024/014
Description: Scholarship Transfer Services for students and teachers in five provinces in Thailand
Deadline for Submission: 5 March 2024 at 10.00 hrs (Bangkok time)
Posting Date: 20 February 2024
United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit electronic offers to provide cash transfer services for students and teachers to five provinces in Thailand, namely Mae Hong Son, Nakhon Nayok, Yala, Song Khla and Khon Kaen. The Learning Coin innovation awards learners’ scholarships depending on their reading achievements, contributing to family income and enabling them to continue in their studies.
The purpose of this notice is to provide general information on the requirements for the procurement process and to inform interested suppliers how to obtain a copy of the Solicitation Documents.
Interested companies who wish to participate in the LNC must request for a complete set of Solicitation Documents, available free of charge, from UNESCO contact person at the address shown below.
The proposals must be submitted by email to the UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok (UNESCO Bangkok) on or before 5 March 2024 at 10:00 hours Bangkok time, in strict compliance with the instructions as stipulated in the Solicitation Documents.
UNESCO reserves the right to amend the documents at any time during the solicitation process. Any amendments or clarifications will be communicated directly to all Bidders who have requested for a complete set of solicitation documents and officially confirmed their intention to submit an electronic offer. No remuneration will be made to companies for preparation and submission of their tenders.
UNESCO Contact Information:
Education Section
Attn: Mr Libing Wang, Chief of Education
Subject line: Learning Coin for Equitable Education Phase II
#LifelongLearning #EquitableEducation #CallForProposals