Call for Proposals: Adult Literacy Assessment Survey (ALAS) Pilot & Youth and Adult Literacy and Basic Education (YALBE) Model
Posting Date: 12 October 2023
FORM AM 10-7:
Procurement Notice/Advertisement
Open International Competition (OIC)
Country of Destination: Afghanistan
Reference Number: KAB/ED/RFP/503AFG1003/16/10/2023
Description: Adult Literacy Assessment Survey (ALAS) Pilot & Youth and Adult Literacy and Basic Education (YALBE) Model
Deadline for Submission of Sealed Tenders: 31 October 2023 at 4 pm Kabul time
Posting Date: 12 October 2023
United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invites qualified companies to submit sealed tenders as follows:
Youth and adult literacy and basic education (YALBE) is a segment of education that is crucial for personal development, social inclusion, economic empowerment, and sustainable development. UNESCO strives to promote the right to education as a fundamental human right, specifically aiming to provide access to quality, inclusive, and gender-sensitive education and learning opportunities for young people and adults who lack basic literacy and numeracy skills in the context of Afghanistan. UNESCO Kabul Office focuses on ensuring the quality of youth and adult literacy and non-formal education through various technical and project support interventions. To ensure quality services are delivered, the UNESCO Kabul Office plans to conduct various assessments to understand the competencies of teachers, learners, and school performance in delivering quality education to learners across provinces of Afghanistan.
The purpose of this notice is to provide general information on the requirements for the procurement process and to inform interested suppliers how to obtain a copy of the Solicitation Documents.
Interested companies who wish to participate in the OIC must request a complete set of Solicitation Documents, available free of charge, from the UNESCO contact person at the address shown below.
The sealed tenders must be delivered to the UNESCO Kabul - Office of the Director UNOCA Compound, Main Jalalabad Road, PD-9 on or before 31 October 2023 at 4 pm Kabul time, in strict compliance with the instructions as stipulated in the Solicitation Documents.
UNESCO reserves the right to amend the documents at any time during the solicitation process. Any amendments or clarifications will be communicated directly to all Bidders who have requested for a complete set of solicitation documents and officially confirmed their intention to submit a sealed tender. No remuneration will be made to companies for the preparation and submission of their tenders.
UNESCO Contact Information:
UNESCO Office in Kabul/Afghanistan