Call for Abstracts: Water and Climate Change Conference - Accelerating Youth Action on Climate Change in Namibia, 11 August 2021
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Windhoek Office, in partnership with the University of Namibia (UNAM) and Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), is organizing a Water and Climate Change Conference to accelerate youth action oǹưinnovative solutions to address̀ư prevailing water challenges̀ưand climate change. The main objective of the conference will be to promote awareness and empower young people in advocating and initiating climate change adaptation and mitigation actions for water security in their respective communities. The conference will also be used as a platform to bring together̀ư young professionals in water management to establish the UNESCO Intergovernmental Programme (IHP) youth network in Namibia.
This call is open to all young professionals under 35-years of agèưor youth-led organisations in the fields of hydrology, environmental and/or any other related sciences. The subthemes are as following:
•Theme 1: Water-related Disasters and Hydrological Changes
•Theme 2: Groundwater in a Changing Environment
•Theme 3: Addressing Water Scarcity and Quality
•Theme 4: Water and Human Settlements of the Future
•Theme 5: Ecohydrology, Engineering Harmony for a Sustainable World
•Theme 6: Water Education, Key to Water Security
The conference will invite 30 youth representatives to present innovative solutions for water challenges̀ưand climate change. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Conference will be hybrid - face-to-face and online. A physical meeting will be held in Windhoek, limited to 50 participants (COVID-19 permitting). The event will be livestreamed through Zoom and Facebook, and open to all for̀ưparticipation.
Abstracts of not more than 500 words should be submitted through the link below:
Submission deadline: July 15th 2021̀ư
For any enquiries on the Conference, please contact: Siying Tan
Tel: +264̀ư81 2676234 | Email:
This call is open to all young professionals under 35-years of agèưor youth-led organisations in the fields of hydrology, environmental and/or any other related sciences. The subthemes are as following:
•Theme 1: Water-related Disasters and Hydrological Changes
•Theme 2: Groundwater in a Changing Environment
•Theme 3: Addressing Water Scarcity and Quality
•Theme 4: Water and Human Settlements of the Future
•Theme 5: Ecohydrology, Engineering Harmony for a Sustainable World
•Theme 6: Water Education, Key to Water Security
The conference will invite 30 youth representatives to present innovative solutions for water challenges̀ưand climate change. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Conference will be hybrid - face-to-face and online. A physical meeting will be held in Windhoek, limited to 50 participants (COVID-19 permitting). The event will be livestreamed through Zoom and Facebook, and open to all for̀ưparticipation.
Abstracts of not more than 500 words should be submitted through the link below:
Submission deadline: July 15th 2021̀ư
For any enquiries on the Conference, please contact: Siying Tan
Tel: +264̀ư81 2676234 | Email:
21 June 2021
Last update:20 April 2023