
Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve in Germany invites the World Network to participate in art project

“Transformation – World Circle Earth” is an art project on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme in the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve, Germany

The nascent artwork, to be completed by the end of May 2021, is a wooden sculpture by the artist Martin Steinert at the The sculptor forms a huge globe of some 10 m diameter by interweaving regional woods. 714 green colored wooden segments represent each of the 714 Biosphere Reserves, exploring knowledge in favor of a social and ecological transformation.

The therefore calls upon all Biosphere Reserves worldwide to make an artistic contribution, for example poetic quotes on the subject of transformation from your specific region, in the local/indigenous language or dialect or any other language. Beyond such texts, photos, audio and video recordings or URLs are greatly appreciated. All poetic quotes will be integrated into the art project on site. They and all other contributions will also be published on the (). Please submit your contributions to

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