
The Big conversation

Handbook to address violence against women in and through the media
The Big conversation
Deligiorgis, Dina
Benkirane, Manal
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Authors : ; 

ISBN : 978-92-3-100332-5

Collation : 90 pages

1 in 3 women

has experienced physical and/or sexual violence at some point in her lifetime

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is widely recognized as one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world. It acts as both a cause and consequence of gender in-equality, impacting the health, safety, productivity and overall well-being of women and girls, and impeding the realization of their rights. Despite increased efforts to address it, rates of VAWG remain alarmingly high.

Global data shows that one in three women has experienced physical and/or sexual violence at some point in her lifetime, with this figure being as high as 7 in 10 in some countries (WHO, 2013). The most significant challenge remains the persistence of attitudes, beliefs, practices and behaviours in society that perpetuate negative stereotypes, discrimination and gender inequality, as root causes of VAWG. Addressing this challenge lies at the core of prevention work.

This Handbook provides guidance to UN and other entities working with media organizations to advance gender equality and prevent violence against girls and women. There are two main domains for achieving these goals, including: working with media as entities that can promote gender equality from within and working with media as channels to promote values of diversity, equality and non-discrimination externally through the content they produce. The handbook is structured to provide more specific guidance on:

  1. Strengthening the enabling environment
  2. Promoting positive institutional approaches
  3. Engaging with media for changing social norm