
Assessing internet development in Paraguay

Using UNESCO's Internet Universality ROAM-X Indicators; major findings and recommendations
Assessing internet development in Paraguay
Association of Technology, Education, Development, Research and Communication (Paraguay)

This report summarizes the major findings and recommendations from the implementation of UNESCO’s Internet Universality ROAM-X Indicators (IUI) in Paraguay. IUI has been promoted and used since UNESCO’s 38th General Conference in 2015 when UNESCO Member States endorsed a framework stating that the Internet should be based on human Rights principles, be Open, Accessible to everyone, and governed through Multistakeholder participation (ROAM). 

In 2019, the Paraguayan Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies - Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (MITIC) and the members of the non-government organization TEDIC led the assessment in Paraguay with support from UNESCO. While the research that informed the assessment was undertaken in 2019, the major findings and recommendations were updated in 2023. The findings remain timely and relevant as Paraguay is moving forward with its digital agenda and advancing national digital transformation. 

The assessment uses the 109 core indicators and two general indicators within the IUI framework. The research team was made up of five people, and seven other experts contributed to the assessments through the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Board. Thirty experts with knowledge of the specific themes of indicators were interviewed and consulted. The validation process of the report involved consultations with national experts through both in-person and online meetings. 

The Access to Public Information Portal was used as a source of official statistics and information. The research team received continuous feedback from the Multistakeholder Advisory Board, documentation specialists and experts from the public and private sectors.