
Agrobiodiversity in the lower Rio Negro

This award-winning project promotes biodiversity and local agriculture in Brazil’s Lower Rio Negro region. By sharing local knowledge, communities live in harmony with the Amazon rainforest, while improving their income.
Photo of a group of people working the land with sticks

Brazil’s Rio Negro region is threatened by deforestation and less diverse agricultural practices. In 2005, a group of citizens and researchers – Mariana Gama Semeghini, Márcio Arthur Oliverira de Menezes, Leonardo Pereira Kurihara and Thiago Mota Cardoso – decided to do something about it. 

Supporting local ecosystems and entrepreneurs 

So, a citizen-led agrobiodiversity project was born with the aim of developing and consolidating agroecological production systems and agricultural products. How? Through participatory ethnoecological research, training and exchanging experiences. This in turn adds value to local knowledge, generates income, promotes entrepreneurship and strengthens local organisations 

The project has been awarded numerous prizes including Best Practices in Local Management Award – Caixa Econômica Federal (2013). So far, 150 farming families have benefited from training and exchanged experiences, and 20 areas implementing agroforestry systems have been established, with more than 20 plant species. 

The project continues to make a positive impact on indigenous and riverine families, improving product quality, increasing household income and reinforcing agroecological systems. 

Are you keen to promote biodiversity? Would you like to support this dynamic citizen project? 

Photo of a group of women standing behind a table full of products
Photo of a group of people farming in a dense forest

Project began: 10/08/2005 

Leading organisation: IPÊ - Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (Ecological Research Institute) 

The country where the team is based: Brazil 

Theme: Biodiversity, Education for Sustainable Development, Local and Indigenous Knowledge 

Sub-themes: Agriculture, Climate change, Cultural diversity, Environment, Food and food security, Gender equality and women's empowerment, Knowledge sharing, Natural resource management, Poverty and inequality reduction

Project needs

  • Communication strategy design 
  • Crowdfunding 
  • Equipment supply 
  • Financial management 
  • In search of financial partners 
  • Logistical support 
  • Monitoring and evaluation 
  • Partnerships development 
  • Research 
  • Sponsorship/ Philanthropy 
  • Training 
  • Translations services 


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