Advancing towards a water secure region in a changing environment
Regional Meeting of Water-related Centres and Chairs in Latin America and the Caribbean
16 October 2024 - 17 October 2024
Advancing towards a water secure region in a changing environment - Regional Meeting of Water-related Centres and Chairs in Latin America and the Caribbean
Uruguay, Uruguay
Rooms :
Type :
Cat VIII - Symposia
Arrangement type :
On 16 and 17 October, the Meeting of Water-related Centres and Chairs in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will take place in virtual format in the framework of the XVI Meeting of National Committees and Focal Points of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean. This meeting is expected to bring together the 6 category II centres under the auspices of UNESCO and the 18 UNESCO Chairs on water-related issues in the region to learn about the activities carried out and future projects to contribute to strengthening water security in a changing environment.
The Water Family in Latin America and the Caribbean
Water-related Cat. II Centers under the auspicies of UNESCO in LAC
- Water Centre for Arid and Semi-Arid Zones of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAZALAC), Chile
- Regional Centre on Water Security (CERSHI), Mexico
- Regional Centre for groundwater management for Latin America and the Caribbean (CeReGAS), Uruguay
- Centre for the Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Caribbean Island States (CEHICA), Dominican Republic
- Regional Experimental Center of Sanitation Technologies (CERTS), Uruguay
- International Centre on Hydroinformatics for Integrated Water Resources Management (CIH)
Water-related UNESCO Chairs
- UNESCO Chair on Water, Hygiene and Sanitation in Schools, Université Quisqueya, HaitÃ
- UNESCO Chair on Ecohydrology for sustainable water management, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia
- UNESCO Chair on Hydrometeorology and Climatology, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Bolivia
- UNESCO Chair on Surface Hydrology: Research, Knowledge and Outreach under Uncertain Climate Sceneries, University of Talca, Chile
- UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Water Management, Universidad Apec, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
- UNESCO Chair on Integrated Water Resource Management, Universidad Piloto de Colombia -Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
- UNESCO Chair on Water, Women and Development, Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Brazil
- UNESCO Chair on Water Resources Sustainability, University of San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala
- UNESCO Chair in Water in the Knowledge Society, Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA), Mexico
- UNESCO Chair in Water and Education for Sustainable Development, National University of Littoral (UNL), Argentina
- UNESCO Chair on Water, Women and Governance, Global Institute of Higher Studies in Social Sciences (IGLOBAL), Dominican Republic
- UNESCO Chair on Water and Culture of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, University of the Republic (UDELAR), Uruguay
- UNESCO Chair in Hydrometeorological Risks, University of the Americas, Mexico
- UNESCO Chair on Tropical Freshwater Management, Amazon Regional University (IKIAM), Ecuador
- UNESCO Chair on Urban Water Quality Management: Recovery and Reuse, University of San Pablo, Brazil
- UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Water Technology and Management, Universidad de Curacao Dr. Moisés da Costa Gomez, Curacao
- UNESCO Chair on Natural Resources Management, Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection, EULA Centre for Environmental Sciences, Universiity of Concepción, Chile
- UNESCO Chair for Urban Drainage in Regions of Coastal Lowlands, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil