
2024 UNESCO Forum on higher education in Africa: A driver for sustainable development

The Forum is organized as a key contribution to UNESCO’s work in higher education in Africa within the framework of the African Union (AU) Year of Education 2024.
Higher education in Africa
Higher Education in Africa: A Driver for Sustainable Development
Nairobi, Kenya
Rooms :
Nairobi, Kenya
Type :
Cat VIII - Symposia
Arrangement type :

The Forum brings together higher education institutions, young people, skills providers and partners to reflect on, and celebrate, how Africa's higher education research, innovation and tertiary skills eco-systems are contributing solutions for local, national and regional sustainable development challenges - specifically through UNESCO's flagship programme Campus Africa and the UNESCO-China Funds in Trust project (CFIT III) which supports higher technical education in AFrica. Operating under UNESCO's global priority on Africa, it aims to contribute to the vision outlined in â€™.&²Ô²ú²õ±è;