10th meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning
Established by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) in 2016, the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) is the working group of the Technical Cooperation Group on SDG 4 Indicators (TCG) that focuses on learning data and aims at improving learning outcomes by supporting national strategies for learning assessments and developing internationally comparable indicators and methodological tools to measure progress towards key targets of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4).
With the recent mid-term review of the SDGs and the upcoming review of the SDG framework in 2025, the GAML meeting in Paris will reflect on the developments and pending challenges related to SDG indicator on learning (SDG 4.1.1), taking stock of the lessons learned and discussing the best way forward.
The tenth GAML meeting will focus on the following:
- Update on the progress made and the pending challenges.
- Discuss developments in cross-national assessments and new tools.
- Share progress in statistical and non-statistical linking strategies (calibrated modules, Assessments for Minimum Proficiency Levels or AMPLs, Policy Linking…)
- Discuss challenges associated with measuring foundational learning (existing tools and upgrades, ASER, EGRA/EGMA, UNICEF FLM…)
The meeting is expected to produce a summary of the status of development of SDG 4.1.1 reporting tools, explore associated costs and benefits, and agree on options suitable for reporting as well as pending issues and their prioritization (e.g., harmonization of context questionnaires).
Participation in the meeting is by invitation only.