South Sudan_Flag


As part of the Festival of Cultures of the Biennale of Luanda 2021, discover the cultural content proposed by South Sudan!

Enjoy your visit!

Discover South Sudan!

South Sudan is an incredible, beautiful and beguiling country. It is endowed with national parks, of which the Boma is one of the largest reserves in Africa. The seasonal wildlife migration rivals that of Serengeti and Masai Mara in East Africa. The natives are diverse and resilient. The local population is divided into nearly 80 ethnic groups and speaks more than 60 indigenous languages. Majority of the population are nomadic pastoralist and drive their herds to season pastures, grow some crops such as sheabutter which is locally processed, and catch their fish from flatbottomed canoes on the White Nile tributaries and flood plains.


Girls during a culutral presentaion in Juba during the 2020 World Radio Day celebrations
Students and tutors at Rombur National Teacher Training Institute participating in a UNESCO peace building pedagogy training

Learning whilst herding in South Sudan

Through radio or in classrooms, cattle camp schools ensure education, and greater food security and peace.

In South Sudan, livestock means life. As South Sudanese herders put it: here, cattle can chase away hunger. Over 65 percent of the population relies on livestock for their survival. Children grow up on milk. Families survive on meat, milk and cattle’s blood. This means herders’ children can’t go to school and miss out on an education. In 2016, FAO and UNESCO, with support from the European Union, have teamed up to roll out an educational programme in the cattle camps of Lakes and Central Equatoria states, in the centre and south of the country. 

A typical class for herders’ children in South Sudan before COVID-19
World Radio Day 2020 Celebrations

The older generation involved in promotion of peace through traditional dance.

The older generation involved in promotion of peace through traditional dance
World Radio Day 2020 Celebrations

Acholi Cultral Dance during the National World Radio Day Celebrations in Juba-2020.

Acholi Cultral Dance during the National World Radio Day Celebrations in Juba
Maale Cultural Group's Presentation in Juba

A dancer from the Maale Cultural Group making a presentation. 

A dancer from the Maale Cultural Group making a presentation
Traditional Dances in Torit

Young Eastern Equatorians performing traditional dances in Torit.

Young Eastern Equatorians performing traditional dances in Torit

UNESCO project on Youth in Peacebuilding

The “Youth Action for Reduced Violence and Enhanced Social Cohesion in Wau” Project aims to transform community perceptions of youth, breaking stigmatization and enabling young men and women to participate in decision making processes. This project is supporting youth to become responsible and peaceful citizens through the following approaches: radio talk shows, youth and community theatre project activities, engagement of youth gangs in community awareness events, youth forums and intergeneration dialogues. In addition, it offers training to youths on conflict transformation and leadership, capacity building events and civic education sessions among other activities.

UNESCO in South Sudan

How Shea Butter is Locally Made in South Sudan

UNESCO in Juba
Man of the Ketebo tribe with traditional attire leading the dance in Torit


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