Institute for Peace and Security Studies
About IPSS
The Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) was established at Addis Ababa University(AAU) in 2007 following a tripartite agreement among AAU, the Royal Danish Embassy in Ethiopia, and the University for Peace Africa Programme. The initial vision of creating a premier higher learning and research institution on peace and security studies in the Horn of Africa received further stimulation when AAU named IPSS as one of its five Centres of Excellence in 2010.
About the Tana Forum
The Tana High-Level Forum is an initiative that is a response to the August 2009 African Union Tripoli Declarations. In the African Union‘s Declaration on the Elimination of Conflicts and the Promotion of Sustainable Peace in Africa (Tripoli Declaration, August 2009), African Heads of State and Government designated peace and security as a collective “intellectual challenge” and called for the elaboration of “African-led solutions” to take it on. The Tana Forum is organised by the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) of Addis Ababa University in response to this call.
By engaging current and former Heads of State and Government, the African Union and RECs, the private sector, decision-makers and representatives from multilateral bodies, the Forum provides an informal platform for key African stakeholders to engage in frank, relevant, and candid discussions, and work towards effective African-led solutions to the continent’s most pressing security challenges.
The complements recurrent formal meetings of African leaders in a collaborative manner. In the spirit of gatherings taking place under the Baobab, the Forum offers room and space for panel discussions, interaction with the floor, and bilateral talks to share views and experiences in a time efficient, results-oriented and open manner.
Tana Forum's Aim and Purpose
The Tana High-Level Forum aim to work towards effective African-led solutions to the continent’s most pressing security challenges through both agenda-setting and the provision of a platform for discussion. The Forum promotes a strategic and pro-active management of African peace and security issues, driven by the interest to contribute to a stronger ownership of, and a larger constituency for such African-led solutions.
The unique opportunity given to the participants — decision-making leaders, the private sector and various institutions — consists of the exchange of experiences and insights that is set against a background of minimal formalities and a pragmatic limitation to an inclusive dialogue in a spirit of problem-solving. African political decision-makers get to interact and consult with an African broad-based constituency as well as with key global actors within a substantive African open debate on peace and security issues that are of key strategic importance to the continent, its regional institutions and African Union member states.
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