

As part of the Festival of Cultures of the Biennale of Luanda 2021, discover the cultural content proposed by Germany!

Enjoy your visit!

Welcome to the Digital Pavilion of the Federal Republic of Germany

Curated by the German Embassy in Luanda and the Goethe-Institut Angola



TIBEB ONLINE is an online platform created by the Goethe Institut that serves as a link for art and culture. It displays the work of artists and creatives and can be enjoyed from all around the world.

A Day Around the World

The film "A day around the world“ shows the daily life in a school in Germany and Senegal, where students participated in a digital exchange during one year. Their conclusion:

"There’s more that unites than separates us".

German-Angolan Cultural Projects
Photo of youth theatre group
Photo of childrens’ book

Partnership with the Ethnological Museums of Luanda and Berlin

One of our most important projects is the partnership with the ethnological museums of Luanda and Berlin, which began in 2018 and will culminate in a training course for restorers at the Museu Nacional de Antropologia in 2022. Videos on objects from both museums were made in 2020. We show them here for the first time online - enjoy!

Filming the videos in Dundo
Watch the videos on the project!

Tampas Proverbiais

Watch the videos on the project!


Watch the videos on the project!

Estela Funeraria

Estela Funeraria
Watch the videos on the project!


Watch the videos on the project!

Chibinda Ilunga

Chibinda Ilunga

Environmental Sustainability Boostcamp 2021

The participants of the "Environmental Sustainability Boostcamp 2021" developed innovative environmental and sustainability projects. The possibility to implement the projects in the local everyday reality - be it in a neighbourhood, at the workplace or in an association - was important. The project was planned and funded by the Goethe-Institut Angola within the framework of the Sustainable Together initiative.

Photo of Sustainable Together Workshop


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