The Regional Center for the Promotion of Books in Latin America and Caribbean (El Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe), Cerlalc, is an intergovernmental organization and category 2 center under the auspices of UNESCO based in Bogota, Colombia.
The Center was created in 1971 through the International Cooperation Agreement between Colombia and UNESCO, to which Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Paraguay and Venezuela have adhered.
Cerlalc is the only category 2 center in the world for the promotion of books and reading. Many of its lines of action constitute a direct contribution to UNESCO's conventions.
Cerlalc's mission is aligned with the objectives of UNESCO's major culture program and with the intersectoral programs of Education and Communications. It also takes into special consideration the institution's global priorities, general objectives, priority groups and thematic issues.
The "Rescatando la Historia" Project | "Recovering History"
Little is known about the African influence in Latin America and how it has turned this side of the world into a place full of grace and culture.
Out of this curiosity and need to explore the influences that different ethnicities have had in Ibero-America, "Rescatando la Historia" (Recovering History) was born.
A 360 project that wants to show, through different artistic, literary and cultural expressions, the contributions that have made Latin America and all of us who are nourished by it.
Listen to Andrés Ossa, Director of CERLALC, presenting the "Rescatando la Historia" project!
Professor Wabgou Maguemati Talks About the "Rescatando la Historia" Project
Professor Wabgou Maguemati of the National University of Colombia (Bogota) / Universidad Nacional de Colombia presents the project "Rescatando la Historia" developed by CERLALC. This project aims to promote studies and intellectual productions in order to make visible the history of Africa in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Poetry | Cristina de la Hoz
Listen to Cristina de la Hoz's poem "PoesÃa Palenque" as part of the "Recovering History" Project developed by CERLALC.
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