Burkina Faso


As part of the Festival of Cultures of the Biennale of Luanda 2021, discover the cultural content proposed by Burkina Faso!

About UNESCO's Activities in Burkina Faso

The actions of UNESCO Dakar's Culture Sector have focused on the protection of cultural heritage, ranging from world heritage sites to museum collections. Despite the challenges linked to the pandemic and the deterioration of the security and humanitarian context, convincing results have been achieved. They allow the thematic strategic approach to effectively accompany national efforts for the effective implementation of UNESCO Conventions. 



In addition, emphasis was placed on the promotion and protection of the diversity of cultural expressions with a focus on the recognition of and support for women in the cultural and creative industries, which represents, through Axis 4 of the National Development Framework 2021-2025, a sector with strong development potential.


Discover the Ruins of loropeni

The 11,130m2 property, the first to be inscribed in the country, with its imposing stone walls is the best preserved of ten fortresses in the Lobi area and is part of a larger group of 100 stone enclosures that bear testimony to the power of the trans-Saharan gold trade. Situated near the borders of Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Togo, the ruins have recently been shown to be at least 1,000 years old.

Digital Campaign

'Where are the women?'

The movement launched and carried by UNESCO during the 2019 edition of FESPACO, 'Where are the women?', in support of women in the film industry, has resonated far beyond the festival, marking the beginning of a new era for African cinema.

Online campaign #ArtistesBFcontreCovid19

The #ArtistsBFagainstCovid19 campaign was launched on 26 January by the Burkina Faso National Commission for UNESCO in partnership with the Ministries of Culture and Health. Three artists from Burkina Faso delivered innovative and creative key messages to raise awareness about the pandemic in the country.


Celebration of the World African Heritage Day (5 May 2017) in Burkina Faso

A publication that presents the celebration of this day aimed at raising awareness worldwide and mobilising enhanced cooperation for the safeguarding of African heritage. On this occasion, the historic site of the Ruins of Loropéni welcomed from 26 April to 5 May 2017 60 young people from different countries of French-speaking Africa who exchanged on their heritage.

#WeAreYennenga | FESPACO 2019 and 2021

During FESPACO 2019, a series of events were organised to advocate for gender equality in the film industry, such as the Yennenga Assembly, which brought together 40 women directors; a high-level round table "50-50 for women" where more than 100 decision-makers and industry actors discussed the place of women in the industry and in the presence of the Director General of UNESCO; and a very successful social media campaign under the hashtag #WeAreYennenga


About UNESCO's work in the region
About UNESCO's work in the region

UNESCO's work in education in Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, rule of law education and the gender dimension contribute to strengthening the prevention of violent extremism through education.

UNESCO organised a workshop in Bobo-Dioulasso on integrating rule of law and gender education for the prevention of violent extremism through education.



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