Arab Maghreb Union
About the AMU
The Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) was established under the 1989 Treaty of Marrakech. The Treaty has the following main objectives: "to strengthen the bonds of fraternity that unite the Member States and their peoples; to achieve progress and prosperity for their societies and to defend their rights; to strive for a common policy in various fields; to contribute to the preservation of peace based on justice and equity; and to work progressively towards achieving the free movement of persons, services, goods and capital.
Recent efforts to develop structures within the AMU Secretariat in the area of peace and security include: the 2014 decision to create a Department of Political Affairs, Information and Cabinet; and the 2012 decision to establish four high-level expert groups on counter-terrorism, drug trafficking, regional economic communities, migration and civil protection, with the aim of examining challenges in their respective areas of competence, sharing information and national experiences on how to address these challenges, and offering recommendations.
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