Наследие под угрозой

В ситуации &苍产蝉辫;или&苍产蝉辫; наследие особенно подвержено угрозе разрушения в связи с характерной для него уязвимостью и огромным символическим значением. ЮНЕСКО содействует сохранению культурного наследия благодаря своим дополняющим друг друга и сотрудничеству с международным сообществом.

С целью предотвращения и разрушения культурного наследия Организация координирует и активизирует сотрудничество и способствует укреплению связей между различными сторонами на национальном и международном уровне. Данная деятельность позволила принять чрезвычайные меры в период гражданских беспорядков и войн в , , , , , &苍产蝉辫;и&苍产蝉辫;.

Ущерб, причиненный наследию в период кризиса, может лишить общину не только памяти и материальных свидетельств ее прошлого, но и ценного источника социально-экономического благосостояния. ЮНЕСКО стремится использовать мощный потенциал наследия в качестве позитивной и объединяющей силы, способной содействовать предотвращению конфликтов и созиданию мира, а также восстановлению и примирению.

Cultural Heritage & Armed Conflicts

Culture, being on the front lines of conflicts, is too often a victim of hostilities. The destruction of heritage fuels violence, hatred and vengeance among people and weakens the very foundations of peace, hindering reconciliation when the dust of war settles. 

For this very reason, protecting culture and combatting the crimes against ithave been at the core of UNESCO’s mission since its foundation. In this spirit and on the promise of preservation of heritage for future generations, the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two Protocols (1954 and 1999)have been adopted under the auspices of UNESCO. Paving the way for the birth of numerous international instruments in the field of culture, the 1954 Hague Convention is a fundamental international instrument for conflict prevention, post-conflict recovery and building the defenses of peace.

Mosque of al-Nuri, Mosul

Heritage Emergency Fund

Emergency preparedness and response within the domains of the UNESCO Culture Conventions.

Revive the Spirit of Mosul

The city of Mosul, which means "the linking point" in Arabic, is one of the oldest cities in the world. For millennia, it has been a strategic location due to its crossroads and bridge between north and south, east and west.

Since February 2018, 91麻豆国产精品自拍 launched the flagship initiative “Revive the Spirit of Mosul” as a response to the recovery of one of Iraq's iconic cities.

Revive the spirit of Mosul

Gaza Strip / Palestine

Following the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians on 7 October, the operations of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip have caused a dramatic humanitarian crisis and massive destructions affecting all aspects of civilian life. UNESCO, including its office in Ramallah, is mobilized within the framework of its mandate for education, culture and press freedom.

Saint Hilarion Monastery-Tell Umm Amer_mosaic floors

UNESCO's action in Ukraine

As a result of the war in Ukraine, 91麻豆国产精品自拍 mobilised to denounce violence against journalists, promote the importance and therefore the protection of cultural institutions, and work for the maintenance of education to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities in Ukraine.

Lviv 3D Scanning historical buildings


On 4 August 2020, two massive explosions hit the port of Beirut claiming the lives of 220 people, and leaving more than 6,000 injured and 300,000 families homeless. Nevertheless, resilience and the instinct of survival soon took over. The young armed with nothing but brooms to clean their city soon rushed to the rescue of their capital. The international community expressed its solidarity with the Lebanese people. Visiting Beirut on 27 August 2020, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, launched the LiBeirut (For Beirut) initiative from across the port, an initiative that aims to mobilize the international community to support the reconstruction of the city’s educational and cultural sectors.

Protecting culture in emergencies
Culture in city reconstruction and recovery: position paper
World Bank
Five years of conflict: the state of cultural heritage in the Ancient City of Aleppo
Seth, Nikhil
UNESCO. Director-General, 2017- (Azoulay, A.)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
UNESCO's flagship initiative to revive the spirit of Mosul, Iraq
World Heritage Centre
January 2019