International community rallies behind technological transformations for quality, equitable and inclusive education
New York 29 September 2021 At the margins of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations and UNESCO?organized a virtual event titled Education and Technological Transformations for Humancentered Recovery Heeding the call of the United Nations General Assembly to leverage the potential of technological transformations for quality equitable and inclusive education the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations teamed up with UNESCO to organize a highlevel dialogue at the sidelines of 76th session of the UNGA Bringing together key stakeholders the event highlighted the unprecedented technological changes in education both as means to mitigate the negative impact of COVID 19 and as a trend to be reckoned with It also explored opportunities to unlock the potential of the Global Education Coalition to recover and further promote SDG4 through innovative technological solutions Chairing the meeting Ms Stefania Giannini Assistant DirectorGeneral for Education of UNESCO recalled the focus on reopening schools safely and brought the attention to the nearly 120 million learners who are still affected by school closures in 60 countries In this context she urged the international community to ensure access to distance and hybrid learning for all including by providing devices and training teachers She underscored the urgency to make education systems more adaptive and resilient to future shocks with an aim to make technology work for inclusion equity and quality in education Recalling the digital revolution happening during COVID19 pandemic she informed that UNESCO and partners are working to launch a Declaration on connectivity and education Recalling the importance of connectivity teachers and gender equality she emphasized the need to equip all students with digital skills as to also address exacerbated gender divides in access to technology She further highlighted that teachers as the most critical influence on learning must be supported with professional development to be able to use technologies effectively