Support free, independent and pluralistic media

The Multi-Donor Programme on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists (MDP serves to further strengthen UNESCO’s work at a global, regional, and national levels, by channeling funds towards emerging priorities and the most pressing needs to achieve its mandate on freedom of expression, media development, and media and information literacy. It enables UNESCO’s Communication and Information Sector to address complex issues through the design and implementation of holistic medium and long-term interventions at national, regional and global levels. The clear advantage of this mechanism is that it allows UNESCO and its partners to achieve greater impact and sustainability, whilst reducing fragmentation of activities in the same field.

Annual Report 2023
Where we work

See our national and regional actions

Support information as a public good: protect freedom of expression
  • More highlights, download the brochure 

Our Stories

Do you trust what you watch or read?
UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity

What we do

Protecting free, independent and pluralistic media - 4 years of impact

UNESCO's Multi-donor Programme for Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists (MDP) serves to further strengthen UNESCO work at a global, regional, and national levels, by channeling funds towards emerging priorities and the most pressing needs to achieve its mandate on freedom of expression. It enables UNESCO Communication and Information Sector to address complex issues through the design and implementation of holistic medium and long-term interventions at national, regional and global levels. The clear advantage of this mechanism is that it allows UNESCO and its partners to achieve greater impact and sustainability, whilst reducing fragmentation of activities in the same field.

Areas of action

Awareness raising initiatives for freedom of expression and safety of journalists
World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development Series
Protecting journalists’ safety
Strengthening the capacities of judicial operators
Policy advice and legislation to enhance freedom of expression
Community media sustainability
Enhancing Media and Information Literacy capacities
Gender and youth representation in media
Support to media in crisis and emergency situations

Facts and Figures

Over 23,000
judicial actors

trained on international standards on freedom of expression

community media outlets

more sustainable thanks to policy reforms, and technical and editorial support.

Over 500
youth organizations

equipped to counter disinformation with Media and Information Literacy.

Programme strategy and Reports

Multi Donor Programme on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists: programme strategy
Programme trategy
Multi-Donor Programme on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists: quadriennial report 2018-2021


Journalism is a public good: World trends in freedom of expression and media development; Global report 2021/2022
With the support of the UNESCO Multi-Donor Programme on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists (MDP)
Global toolkit for judicial actors: international legal standards on freedom of expression, access to information and safety of journalists
Media and information literate citizens: think critically, click wisely!
Grizzle, Alton
Wilson, Carolyn
Tuazon, Ramon
Cheung, Chi Kim
Lau, Jesus
Fischer, Rachel
Gordon, Dorothy
Akyempong, Kwame
Singh, Jagtar
Carr, Paul R.
Stewart, Kristine
Tayie, Samy
Suraj, Olunifesi
Jaakkola, Maarit
Thésée, Gina
Gulston, Curmira
Andzongo Menyeng, Blaise Pascal
Zibi Fama, Paul Alain
Reporting on violence against women and girls: a handbook for journalists
Impe, Anne-Marie
Translated into English with the financial support of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO