Advancing holistic understanding of community RESILIence and heritAGE drivers through community-based methodologies (RESILIAGE)
Europe has been increasingly impacted by various types of hazards, both natural and man-made. Since the turn of the millennium, a total of 1,205 disasters have affected approximately 15 million people in the region, and the impact of these extreme events are amplified by social inequality as well as economic and political crises that are reducing capacity for effective preparedness and response. Europe's unique challenge lies with its diverse social and geographical conditions, which often exacerbate the impact of these disasters.
In response to this, UNESCO joined RESILIAGE, a three-year Horizon Europe project that was initiated to harness the region's hidden and underused resource: community resilience. The project aims to co-create resilient communities by developing and disseminating digital tools and soft solutions, with holistic and systemic approach. Its primary objective is to prevent and mitigate the effects of natural hazards and climate change-related events by enabling critical thinking and building a better understanding of citizen response to disasters. The initiative focuses on several European sub-regions, as it is essential to understand the complex interactions between psychological, social, cultural, historical, economic, and environmental factors that influence human behaviour during emergencies.
Read more about UNESCO’s participation in the RESILIAGE project, and its specific objectives and outcomes, below. 
emphasizing heritage in building resilient and sustainable communities
Irina Pavlova, UNESCO Project Officer, explores heritage's role in community resilience through RESILIAGE
RESILIAGE summer schools explore community resilience to build disaster preparedness
UNESCO lines of action
The RESILIAGE project represents a crucial step towards building heritage-based resilient communities across Europe. With UNESCO's valuable expertise and commitment to natural and cultural heritage, we are confident that our collaborative efforts will significantly enhance the worldwide region's capacity to prepare for and respond to natural hazards and climate change-related events capitalising on their local heritage.
RESILIAGE in numbers
duration of the RESILIAGE project
on social resilience
funded by the European Union