World Oceans Day
World Oceans Day 2024: Awaken New Depths
The ocean sustains humanity and all life on earth. Nonetheless, despite our utter reliance on it, we have only ever explored ~10%. While we know little of the ocean compared to its immense vastness, what we do know is that the consequences of our actions are evident throughout its waters. Our relationship to the ocean needs to urgently change, and our efforts have only skimmed the surface to date. To motivate widespread momentum for the ocean, we need to awaken new depths.
In celebration of the 2024 event, the United Nations are joining forces with decision makers, scientists, private sector executives, civil society representatives, indigenous communities, celebrities and youth activists to underscore how earth is more than it may seem and finally put the ocean first.

The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, in collaboration with the Government of Italy, the Municipality of Venice, and the Prada Group, will host the first Ocean Literacy World Conference on June 7-8 in the city of Venice, Italy. This Conference will bring together international experts in ocean literacy and ocean education from across various sectors.

State of the Ocean Report 2024
The State of the Ocean Report has the ambition to inform policymakers about the state of the ocean and to stimulate research and policy actions towards ‘the ocean we need for the future we want’, contributing to the 2030 Agenda and in particular SDG 14, as well as other global processes such as the UNFCCC, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

"UNESCO, with its Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), will make the most of these ten years so that the international community develops knowledge about the ocean and protects it sustainably."

Join us to celebrate World Oceans Day!

What UNESCO does for the ocean

"The United Nations Ocean Decade 2021-2030 is now underway and has given rise to hundreds of innovative Ocean Decade Actions to generate a veritable ocean knowledge revolution and revitalize the ocean through collective action."

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