
Sport 4 Peace

Juba 4/12/1015: On 6th December, the Initiative for Peace Communication Association (IPCA) with the support of UNESCO and UNDP will be hosting a culture and sports festival. This is part of a countrywide peace and reconciliation campaign among South Sudanese communities, through the power of singing and cultural performances. The campaign aims to amplify the need for peace by bringing together youth, women, men, girls and boys from around the nation to speak out for peace and share information about peacebuilding, healing, reconciliation and reconstruction. Besides sharing peace messages, the peace festival will host a football tournament between civilians, police, journalists and artists, as well as songs and dances

Background: Culture and Sports for Peace

UNESCO as the United Nations’ lead agency for Physical Education and Sport (PES) considers and adopts Sports as a vital medium for Peace and Development. The practice of sport is a recognized instrument for promoting peace, as it disregards geographical borders, ethnic differences and social classes. It also plays a significant role as a promoter of social integration and economic development in different geographical, cultural and political contexts.

Sport activities have been valued as a powerful medium to help with reconciliation between conflict-torn communities. It helps build relationships, which increase tolerance and bridge divisions between groups.  Sports also facilitate meaningful dialogue between rival groups or victims.

In South Sudan, UNESCO, together with the Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative, is supporting sports as a powerful tool to strengthen social ties and networks, and to promote ideals of peace, fraternity, solidarity, non-violence, tolerance and justice between the different ethnic groups. The current conflict and problems can be eased as sport has the ability to bring people together and to provide an important and a strong building block for peace and sustainable development.


For more information please contact

Jaleh Saboktakin

SHS Youth Programme Specialist

UNESCO Juba Office

Tel: +21191495104