Regional Centre for Quality & Excellence in Education in Saudi Arabia Provides Support to Task Force on Teachers

On 3 November, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova signed an agreement with the Minister of Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dr Azzam bin Mohammed Al-Dakhil to support the programme of UNESCO’s International Task Force on Teachers.
The Memorandum of Understanding with the Regional Centre for Quality and Excellence in Education, established as a Category 2 Centre under the auspices of UNESCO in 2014 and based in Riyadh, foresees funds for a case study on the teaching profession as part of a synthesis report on policies covering 27 countries. Minister Al-Dakhil is the Chair of the of the Governing Board of the Regional Centre, which met for the first time in May 2015.
The Director-General expressed appreciation for the Centre’s focus on quality and excellence, which lies at the heart of the Education 2030 Agenda. The Minister thanked Ms Bokova for UNESCO’s support for the establishment of the Centre and extended gratitude to all the Ministers who are partners in its activities.
The Center aims at disseminating the culture of quality and excellence in educational systems through developing policies based on the best international experiences and research findings.