
Participatory Processes and Water Governance in Vulnerable Communities

Webinar on lessons learned and experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean
Brazil, vulnerables communities
Participative Processes and Water Governance in Vulnerable Communities
Montevideo, Uruguay
Rooms :
Type :
Cat VII – Seminar and training
Arrangement type :

In Latin America and the Caribbean, first nations and traditional communities have extensive experience in technical innovation and participatory and community-based management of natural resources, including water. Many countries and cities have also been developing inclusive and participatory policies for years to integrate vulnerable communities into water governance. Migration processes, intense urbanisation, conflicts over the use of water and land resources, income distribution problems and lack of funding often result in loss of highly relevant knowledge and experience, disruption of community actions and governance processes, and increased states of social and environmental vulnerability. Participatory monitoring is an efficient way to promote actions aimed at improving the water quality of water bodies, as well as providing community participation and action in water resources management.

The webinar, organised by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean (IHP-LAC), through its working group on Urban Water and Human Settlements together with IWA and ABRhidro with the support of RIBAGUA Journal and AECID, describes case studies of participatory water management in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia as well as on the participatory water monitoring programme of the UNESCO Chair on Water, Women and Development in some communities in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, located in the Jequitinhonha and das Velhas river basins.

The IHP-LAC Working Group on Urban Water and Human Settlements was created as part of a regional strategic action plan based on scientific and technical knowledge, and the exchange of information and practices. Its objective is to collaborate in the consolidation of integrated urban water management in Latin American and Caribbean countries. It therefore contributes to implementing SDG 6, ‘Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’.


  • Opening session
    • Mr Miguel Doria - UNESCO Regional Hydrologist for Latin America and the Caribbean
    • Prof. Nilo Nascimento - Coordinator IHP-LAC Urban Water and Human Settlements Group
  • Water Governance with Vulnerable Communities: Challenges and Perspectives 
    • Ms. Mónica Sanz NGO, Inpresc, Colombia (Colombia)
  • Water and Urbanisation in the Andes: 2 Case Studies 
    • Prof. Janaina Marx and Mr. Hernán Espinoza, Universidad Central del Ecuador (Ecuador)
  • The participatory water monitoring programme of the UNESCO Chair on Water, Women and Development of the Federal University of Ouro Preto
    • Prof. Adivane Terezinha Costa and Prof. Maria Luiza Gandini, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Brazil)
  • Active bridges between academy and policy-makers on environment in Lima city, a megacity situtated in a desert" 
    • Prof. Ronald R. Gutierrez, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (Perú)
  • Exchange with the public
  • Closing

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