Invitation to Bid - Procurement of Digitization, IT and Mobile Compactus Storage Equipment (Dili, Timor-Leste)
You are invited to submit a bid for Procurement of Digitization, IT and Mobile Compactus Storage Equipment (Dili, Timor-Leste) in accordance with the present solicitation document.
The Invitation to Bid (ITB) consists of this cover page and the following Annexes:
Part 1 Bidding Procedures
Annex I - Instructions to Bidders
Annex II - Bid Data Sheet
Annex III - Bid Submission Form
Annex IV - Price Schedule Form
Annex V - Intention To Bid Form
Annex VI - Bidder Information Form
Part 2 Supply Requirements
Annex VII (A) - Technical Specification Form
Annex VII (B) - UNESCO Minimum Technical/Specification Criterion
Part 3 Contract
Annex VIII - General Terms and Conditions
Annex IX - Special Contract Conditions [if applicable]
Annex X - Model Performance Guarantee [if applicable]
Annex XI - Model Contract for Goods & Related Services (applicable installation is required)
Annex XII - Model Purchase Order (applicable if no installation is required)
Your electronic bid (to be submitted in line with submission procedure detailed in Annex I/ Section D. Submission of Bids) shall reach us no later than 17 April 2025, 23:59H Jakarta Time at the following email address without copying any other e-mail addresses. Offers addressed to any other e-mail accounts will be disqualified. Maximum single email size 10MB. If the offer consists of large file, it is recommended that these files be sent in separate emails prior to submission deadline.
This letter is not to be construed in any way as an offer of contract. Your bid could, however, form the basis for a contract between your company and UNESCO.
Bidders are kindly requested to acknowledge the receipt of the ITB using the Intention to Bid Form on Annex V.