Press release

Director-General denounces assassination of journalist Rasha Abdullah Al Harazi in Yemen

UNESCO observatory of killed journalists

The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, has condemned the car bomb attack that claimed the life of journalist Rasha Abdullah Al Harazi and left her spouse and fellow journalist Mahmoud Al Atmi injured in Aden, Yemen, on 9 November.

I condemn the heinous attack that killed Rasha Abdullah Al Harazi and injured Mahmoud Al Atmi. Attacks on journalists undermine freedom of expression and the media’s capacity to keep the public informed, which can prove vital in times of conflict. Information is also essential to nourish public debate, counter hate and contribute to conflict resolution.
Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General

Rasha Abdullah Al Harazi was killed by the explosion of a device planted in the car she was in with her husband and fellow reporter. Rasha Abdullah Al Harazi was pregnant when she was murdered. Both she and her husband worked for a Gulf-based television channel, unnamed at the time of publication.

UNESCO promotes the through global awareness-raising, capacity building and a range of actions, notably in the framework of the on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity.