
Conclusion of the project "Música FFWD" for the strengthening of Costa Rica's music sector

The "FFWD Music" project, implemented together with the Ministry of Culture and Youth of Costa Rica in the framework of the UNESCO-European Union cooperation programme for the development of cultural and creative industries and South-South cooperation, has come to an end. This project was developed throughout 2021, with the technical assistance of a team of international and local experts, including Nicolas Madoery, Eva Moraga and Roberto Montero. "Música FFWD" focused on strengthening the Costa Rican music sector through actions to boost its professionalisation, associativity and visibility, as well as its transition to the formal economy.
The formal closure of the project took place through a virtual event held on December 2, with the presence of the Minister of Culture, Sylvie Durán Salvatierra, the Head of Cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union in Costa Rica, Alberto Menghini, and the Culture Programme Specialist of the UNESCO Office in San José, Caroline Munier, as well as the international team of experts in charge of the implementation of the project, and members of the Costa Rican music sector.
The closing event provided an opportunity to present the sector with the main results achieved in the different phases of the project. Between April and July, four training modules were held, which were aimed at the entire sector. These modules were attended by 26 international specialists from 8 countries - mainly from Latin America - and focused on topics such as the music ecosystem, associativity, digital music, and new business models. More than 300 people from the Costa Rican music sector were involved in these activities.
The second phase of the project consisted of a mentoring program in which seven selected projects were guided by four international professionals to establish their objectives and medium and long-term planning. The third phase consisted of a Music Ecosystem Forum, in which a limited number of representatives from the public and private sectors, academia, professional associations and various roles in the value chain of the Costa Rican music industry participated to address strategic issues and to establish a roadmap for the development of the sector in the future.
Within the framework of "Música FFWD", a pilot project was also carried out with the music sector to promote the transition to formality of the creative sectors in Costa Rica. The project sought to identify barriers or obstacles to the transition to the formal economy through research and analysis, thanks to an inclusive consultation process involving multiple public institutions, as well as organizations and individuals from civil society. The results of this study provide an overview of a diversity of perspectives on the social and economic conditions of the music sector and set forth the basis for future research and dialogue, to improve the living conditions of those working in the arts and culture, and to highlight the important role they play in the development of society.
Costa Rica is one of the twelve countries selected worldwide to benefit from technical assistance provided by the UNESCO-European Union Cooperation Programme for the Development of Cultural and Creative Industries and South-South Cooperation. This programme seeks to position the creative and cultural industries as important sectors for the fulfilment of the objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
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