
Assessment of media development in Jordan

Based on UNESCO's Media Development Indicators
Assessment of media development in Jordan
UNESCO Office in Amman

ISBN : 978-92-3-100124-6

Collation : 239 p., illus.


UNESCO鈥檚 Media Development Indicators (MDI) assessment offers a thorough analysis of the media landscape as seen in June 2015, and a set of recommendations on the way forward. In that sense, the study is more than an assessment, it provides a UNESCO-validated road map towards Jordanian media, allowing every woman, man, youth, and child to express themselves freely and to have access to information that is relevant to their day-to-day lives. 

Democratic reform has been on the agenda in Jordan for decades, and media reform has naturally been an important part of that debate. Over the quarter of a century since the restoration of parliamentary elections following the 1989 鈥淎pril uprising,鈥 there have been important democratic gains, including regular democratic elections. There have also been important steps forward in terms of media freedom, and the country now enjoys a lively and reasonably diverse media environment. At the same time, the overall framework for media development still has progress to make in important ways to measure up to international standards, as set out in UNESCO鈥檚 MDIs. This MDI Assessment provides a detailed review of the different parts of the overall environment for media freedom, in accordance with the MDI methodology, identifying the various strengths and weaknesses and pointing the way to reform needs.