Artists from Costa Rica strengthen their knowledge on the linkages between Culture and the Sustainable Development Goals

UNESCO collaborated with the National University of Costa Rica to hold a virtual training conference for artists on the relationship between culture and sustainable development. The activity focused on explaining the link between the various areas of culture and the Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs) and, above all, on the multiple contributions that creativity and the arts make to achieving these goals.
The conference, which was held on the virtual platform Zoom and streamed on social media, was attended by arts professionals and artists in training. The presentation was given by Ms. Caroline Munier, Specialist of the Culture Programme at the UNESCO Cluster Office in San José.
This conference is part of a series of activities coordinated by the Centre for Research, Teaching and Extension of the Arts (CIDEA) of the National University, with the support of UNESCO, to highlight the role of culture as an important factor for sustainable development. These activities are part of the commemoration of the Bicentenary of the Independence of Costa Rica and aim to call for reflection on the participation of the artistic and cultural sectors in social development, economic growth, and climate action.
UNESCO advocates that culture is a cross-cutting element in the 2030 Agenda, as it relates directly or indirectly to all the Sustainable Development Goals. For UNESCO, collaborating with the National University of Costa Rica provides an exceptional opportunity to engage people from the creative, cultural, and academic sectors, as well as youth, in efforts to achieve sustainable development from a broad and inclusive approach, under the premise leave no one behind.
See the Conference