15 million learners, one mission: School Health and Wellness Programme
The Programme
UNESCO jointly with Central Board of Secondary Education and National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) are implementing School Health and Wellness Programme (SHWP) across 30,000 schools affiliated to the Board. The SHWP aims to enhance the physical and mental health, well-being and education outcomes of 15 million learners in upper primary and secondary levels.
India has the largest adolescent population in the world (253 million), and every fifth person is between 10 to 19 years. Despite significant progress in education and health, adolescents face a wide range of issues and concerns including nutritional deficiencies, reproductive health problems and mental and physical stress-related problems, which often results in the abuse of tobacco and other habit-forming drugs.
Implementation Strategy
To address these issues holistically, the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare jointly developed the SHWP, which was launched by the Hon’ble Ministers of Education and Health in February 2020. The programme envisages two teachers in each school designated as ‘Health and Wellness Ambassadors/Coordinators’, who will conduct age-appropriate and culturally sensitive prevention and promotion activities in classrooms to improve the health and well-being of learners.
The SHWP covers 11 themes - Growing up healthy: Emotional well-being and mental health, Interpersonal relationships, Values and citizenship, Gender equality, Nutrition, health and sanitation, Prevention and management of substance abuse, Promotion of healthy lifestyles, Reproductive health and HIV prevention, Safety and security against violence and injuries and Promotion of internet safety and responsible social media behavior.
For successful implementation of the SHWP, a resource package including a 24-hour curriculum, training modules for teachers, animation videos and facilitators guide was prepared by NCERT in consultation with UN agencies and other domain experts.
UNESCO held sensitization sessions for 17 . UNESCO conducted focused sensitization sessions in and , for principals and these were aimed to strengthen their capacity to effectively implement educational programmes in schools under their jurisdiction.
I commend the collaboration with NCERT and UNESCO in implementing the School Health and Wellness Programme. I am aware of the significant influence principals and teachers have on shaping students' behavior. I encourage teachers to be approachable, enabling children to feel comfortable to seek support, while also being vigilant in recognizing signs of stress in students who may not actively reach out. Ensuring that children are protected from bullying and violence in schools is crucial, as these experiences can have lifelong repercussions. This priority must take precedence over any form of academic assessment. The role of school counselors is becoming increasingly vital, requiring them to actively engage with both students and their families. These workshops are designed to enhance personal counseling abilities, foster empathy, and equip you with the tools to effectively address issues faced by learners.
Capacity building workshops trained
master trainers comprising of principals, teachers and counsellors were trained in eight batches of 5-day workshops at NCERT. These Master Trainers are not only implementing SHWP in their own schools but also serve as Resource Persons for training other teachers under their respective Centres of Excellence.
I am aware of the numerous challenges adolescents in our country face, including issues related to gender equality, child marriage, violence, and drug abuse. These challenges significantly impact the goals outlined in the National Education Policy 2020, particularly its focus on quality education and the emphasis on health and well-being. It is essential for all of us to recognize the critical role schools play in addressing these issues and driving this journey forward. While developing the National Curriculum Framework for School Education, we have ensured that the components of health and well-being are integral to its design. I extend my congratulations to CBSE and UNESCO for their commendable efforts in prioritizing health and well-being in education.
Since August 2022,
teachers have been trained through 565 Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) on School Health and Wellness Programme. CBSE has also integrated SHWP in their regular Capacity Building Programme catering to 1.7 million teachers.
Empowering Educators: SHWP Training Impact

We firmly believe that children and young people deserve access to safe, inclusive, and health-promoting learning environments, and this has been a key strategic priority for us. I hope to see all principals, school leaders, and teachers working together to ensure that all learners are educated and supported in ways that advance our shared goal of promoting the health and well-being of every child.
Animation videos on health and wellbeing
UNESCO in partnership with NCERT developed animation videos on the 11 themes of the SHWP. These videos are available in , and nine Indian languages – , , , , , , , and .
Comic book on health and wellbeing
UNESCO and NCERT jointly developed a comic book titled "Let's Move Forward" to impart learners with knowledge and skills on 11 themes of SHWP. Launched by the , the comic book encourages young learners to explore topics at their own pace and apply the knowledge gained to their daily lives. It is available in 9 languages - , , , , , , , , , , and
For more information about the programme, contact:
Ms. Sarita Jadav:
Mr. Prashant Yadav: