Transforming Education Summit

Transforming Education Summit

United Nations, New York, 16, 17 & 19 September 2022

There is a global education emergency that our current learning system is failing to address. In addition, the largest disruption to education in history triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened a pre-existing crisis of inclusion, quality and relevance.

That is why the United Nations Secretary-General convened the Transforming Education Summit in September in New York to rally world leaders and put education at the top of the political agenda. At the Summit, more than committed to rebooting their education systems and accelerating action to end the learning crisis.

A "global mobilization” for education

To build momentum for the Summit, UNESCO hosted a Pre-Summit on 28‐30 June 2022 in June that was attended by 154 education ministers and vice-ministers and 1,800 participants. It provided a forum for countries to present preliminary outcomes of national consultations and to have multilateral discussions on new commitments.

Transforming Education Pre-Summit

Education must return to the top of the international community's agenda if we are to meet the Sustainable Development Goals

Audrey Azoulay UNESCO Director-General
Transforming Education Summit

More about the Transforming Education Summit