Sharing language technologies for open science
Persistent identifiers (PIDs) are a core infrastructure component of a global digital information ecosystem. PIDs provide a universal, machine-readable, interoperable method to uniquely identify and connect entities such as researchers and innovators, funders, organisations, articles, datasets, projects, software, instruments and samples.
The 2024 Australian National Persistent Identifier Strategy () is the culmination of a collaborative process led by the Australian Research Data Commons. It has been informed by consultation through national workshops, working groups, webinars and via an open call for individual and group submissions. A National PID Strategy Taskforce comprised of senior stakeholders provided strategic advice and guidance. Released as a draft in July 2023, the Strategy has been refined through extensive and open co-design, consultation and engagement with the sector. The Strategy will be accompanied by a National Collaborative Roadmap designed to enact the Strategy.
At the global level, the Research Data Alliance National PID Strategies Working Group produced a strategy Guide, Case Studies and Checklist to assist in this rapidly developing area (Simons et al. 2023).
Contributed by: Natasha Simons, Australian Research Data Commons.