Promotion of Women in Engineering, Research and Science (POWERS)

Cross-Cutting Themes

The Promotion of Women in Engineering, Research and Science (POWERS) programme, supported by Singapore's Ministry of Education and Nanyang Technological University (NTU), aims to recruit and empower women in STEM with a long-term goal of increasing gender diversity in STEM careers. Under its CoRE framework, the programme holds initiatives to Connect future engineers and scientists to role models and mentors, perform Research to better understand gender parities in STEM in Singapore and explore areas of intervention, and Educate by producing materials and organizing outreach activities to change mindsets and create opportunities for women to succeed in STEM industries. Targeted at women aged 13-to-30 years old, POWERS builds a supportive ecosystem that provides women with a sense of belonging and where they can succeed in STEM.

Read the two white papers published by POWERS:

1. (2022)

2. (2022)

Contributed by: Sierin Lim, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore