Gender Equality Plan (2022-2025) at the University of Tartu

Cross-Cutting Themes

In its pursuit of sustainable development, equal opportunities, and best practices, the University of Tartu adopted a Gender Equality Plan at the end of 2021. The plan, spanning 2022–2025, focuses on four strategic goals:

(1) to enhance the members’ awareness of gender equality and to show its connections with the university’s main activities (teaching and studies, research, service to society)

(2) to promote gender equality among the members through;

(2.1) gender-responsive recruitment, creating equal career opportunities, career counselling and mentorship,

(2.2) reducing the gender pay gap

(2.3) creating flexible working arrangements that support work-life balance;

(3) to involve, in a balanced way, employees of both genders in governing bodies and decision-making;

(4) to promote an organizational culture that values the equal treatment of all members, incl. to improve the members’ awareness of equal treatment and sexual harassment,to focus on preventing and solving of problems.

Contributed by: Ester Oras, University of Tartu, Estonia

For more information, please contact:

Kristi Kuningas, Head of Human Resources Office (University of Tartu)