Motahareh Ala Amjadi (伊朗)
‘Parthian as a Forgotten Empire’(被遗忘的帕提亚帝国)
Olivier Bordeaux (法国)
‘Connecting Central Asia and Western China: roads and networks through the Karategin Valley (Tajikistan)’ (连接中亚和中国西部:穿越卡拉杰京(塔吉克斯坦)的道路和网络)
Michael Cavayero (美国)
‘Fountainhead of the Mind: The Buddhist Origins of Early Critical Painting Theory Terms in Medieval Chinese Art Along the Silk Roads’ (心灵的本源:丝绸之路沿线中国中世纪艺术中早期绘画批评理论术语的佛教起源)
Otari Gabunia (格鲁吉亚)
‘Unveiling the Ancient Vine: Cuneiform Insights into Wine Culture and Cross-Cultural Exchange along the Silk Roads’ (揭开古葡萄藤的面纱: 楔形文字视角下丝绸之路沿线的葡萄酒文化和跨文化交流)
Abdul Halim (印度尼西亚)
‘Investigation of Paper and Biomass Based Manuscript Characteristics in the Ancient ASEAN Literature’(东盟古代文献中基于纸张和生物质的手稿特征研究)
Ali Haji Khamis (坦桑尼亚), Franka van Marrewijk (荷兰) 和 Iga Perzyna (挪威)
‘Swahili urbanism under the influence of global trade - exploring the historic urban landscape of Zanzibar’s coastal settlements as part of the Silk Road’(全球贸易影响下的斯瓦希里城市化--探索丝绸之路上的桑给巴尔沿海居住区的城市历史景观)
倪楠 (中国)
‘Unveiling the Silk Road's Mystical Tapestry: A Multidimensional Exploration of Magic Spells along the First Millennium CE’ (丝绸之路探秘:敦煌吐鲁番出土中古咒语文本的多维研究)
Farhana Afrin Rahman (孟加拉国)
‘Gendered Fields of Red Gold: Women and Saffron Along the Silk Road’ (性别视角下的“红色黄金”:丝绸之路上的女性与藏红花)
Marco Robecchi (意大利) 和 Alessia Boschis (意大利)
‘Imagining the East. Representation Strategies of “Otherness” in Illuminated Manuscripts between Europe and Armenia (13th-15th centuries)’(想象东方 - 欧洲与高加索地区(13-15 世纪)插图手稿中的 "他者 "表现策略)
Henaka Rallage Chiranthi Thavisha Senanayake (斯里兰卡)
‘Buddha’s Justice Along the Silk Route: A Study on The Eurasian Development of Buddhist Law’ (丝绸之路上的佛法正义: 欧亚大陆佛教法律发展研究)
Maria Emilia Winkler (俄罗斯)
‘Documentation of Muslim Tat language in Dagestan: identity, language contact and contact-induced language changes’ (达吉斯坦穆斯林塔特语言的记录:身份、语言接触和接触引起的语言变化)
Takon Wittayathanarattana (泰国)
‘Spices-Alchemy: Decoding the Chemical Composition and Gastronomic Heritage of Silk Road Spices’ (香料-炼金术:解密丝绸之路香料的化学成分和美食遗产)