Seed-funding local media development
IPDC funds projects that foster media development opportunities with local and national media stakeholders in developing countries, countries in transition, and countries in conflict and post-conflict situations. Together, we seek to promote a safe, independent, and pluralistic press, including through capacity building, law reform, research and coalition building.
While evaluating initiatives, the IPDC Bureau focuses on impactful, transferable, and scalable projects. We seek innovative solutions to free and pluralistic media issues of the 21st century, aiming at their long-term sustainability and possible up-scaling through the UNESCO and Communication and Information Sector (CI) available tools.
With UNESCO’s global priorities Africa and Gender Equality in mind, IPDC applies a bottom-up development approach by responding to grassroots-level demand. The IPDC strengthens local actors enriching free and pluralistic media. It focuses on amplifying the voices of marginalized and underserved communities while promoting gender-transformative media development.