Women in Sagemath-Africa (WiS-Africa)

Cross-Cutting Themes

Under the Sage Days initiative, which gathers individuals interested in SageMath—an open-source mathematics software system—the University of Ibadan hosted the 2nd Women in SageMath-Africa (WiS-Africa) event. The event equips participants with SageMath programming skills, fosters collaboration among African mathematicians, and showcases women as role models at various career stages. The first edition was held in Senegal, followed by Nigeria, Uganda and Burundi, with the next planned for Tunisia.

WiS-Africa aims to initiate research projects, train new SageMath users and developers, foster collaborations across Africa, and build mentorship networks for young women entering mathematical research. It also informs participants about career opportunities and unites women from diverse areas of mathematics and mathematical sciences.

Supported by organizations like the International Committee of Women in Mathematics (ICWM) and CIMPA, WiS-Africa highlights the importance of advancing gender equity and inclusion in STEM fields globally.

Contributed by: Ini Adinya, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

For more information, please contact:

Elisa Lorenzo García (Université de Rennes 1, France; and Université de Neuch?tel, Switzerland), Marie Fran?oise Ouedraogo (Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Burkina Faso), Olivia Nabawanda (Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda), Bernadette Fall (Alioune Diop de Bambey, Senegal), or Ini Adinya (University of Ibadan, Nigeria)