Practices promoting open and inclusive science
- Австралия
- Австрия
- Боливия (Многонациональное Государство)
- Бразилия
- Гана
- Германия
- Индия
- Испания
- Италия
- Кабо-Верде
- Камбоджа
- Канада
- Катар
- Кения
- Китай
- Колумбия
- Кот-д'Ивуар
- Ливан
- Мексика
- Нигер
- Нидерланды
- Норвегия
- Сенегал
- Сингапур
- Словения
- Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии
- Соединенные Штаты Америки
- Турция
- Финляндия
- Франция
- Швейцария
- Эстония
- Южная Африка
- Япония
- Developing an enabling policy environment for open science
- Fostering a culture of open science and aligning incentives for open science
- Investing in human resources, training, education, digital literacy and capacity building for open science
- Investing in open science infrastructures and services
- Promoting a common understanding of open science, associated benefits and challenges, as well as diverse paths to open science
- Promoting innovative approaches for open science at different stages of the scientific process
- Promoting international and multi-stakeholder cooperation in the context of open science and with a view to reducing digital, technological and knowledge gaps
- Developing innovative and inspiring educational strategies and initiatives - to open educational pathways for girls in science
- Enhancing the visibility of female role models - to dismantle gender stereotypes and biases in science
- Implementing policies and actions that promote inclusion, diversity and equity - to create work environments that attract, retain and advance women scientists