Slovenia incorporates open science throughout STI

In March 2022, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Resolution on the Slovenian Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy 2030. This is a key Slovenian strategic document for research and innovation until 2030, which will be the basis for formulating policies related to social and economic development as well as to societal challenges. The Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy introduces open science as an integral part of scientific research.

The Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy is inextricably intertwined with the Resolution on National Programme of Higher Education 2030, and both are harmonized with the Slovenian Development Strategy 2030.

At the implementation level, the Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy will be supplemented by action plans and sectoral strategic documents (e.g., Research Infrastructure Development Plan, Action Plan for Open Science, Action Plan for Technology Transfer Offices, Equal Opportunities Action Plan), which will define the set goals and upgrade them with measurable monitoring indicators.

The Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy, which is based on the Article 10 of the Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act (2022), introduces open science as an integral part of scientific research. According to that Act's general principles, scientific research must comply with principles of open science, in particular (Article 2) open access to all research results, the use of responsible metrics for evaluation of scientific research and involvement of the interested public in the research process (i.e., citizen science). Funding will be available for implementation of open science principles (Articles 12 and 20).

Building on this foundation, in May 2023, Slovenia adopted the Decree on the Implementation of Scientific Research Work in accordance with the Principles of Open Science as well as the Action Plan for Open Science.

Based on text by Ivan Skubic, Science Directorate, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, published on OpenAIRE ()

Area(s) of action covered by the practice as per the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science