Open Knowledge Action Plan of the Open University of Catalonia

The Open Knowledge Action Plan () of the Open University of Catalonia (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC) is the institutional roadmap towards open knowledge and open science.

Through the Open Knowledge Action Plan, university leaders aim to make the UOC a hub for open knowledge, one with global reach capable of providing solutions to the global challenges identified in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Developed in a participatory process in 2018 and 2019, the Action Plan serves as an overarching framework including a wide range of topics such as open access, FAIR data, open educational resources, citizen science and community engagement, open innovation, reform of research assessment, advocacy. In 2022, open source code and software were suggested to be included in the Action Plan update (to be released in 2024) following the guidance in the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science.

Since the start of the development of the Action Plan, an institutional wide dialogue on open knowledge has been undertaken, increasing the awareness of open knowledge and open science in the institution and contributing to generating cultural change. The activity forms part of the general budget of the university. A concrete result of the Action Plan is the institutional Open Knowledge Policy approved in 2021 () that gives a regulatory framework to the ideas put forward in the Plan, updating the former Open Access Policy (from 2010). Moreover, open internal debate has been stimulated since the formal adhesion of the UOC to the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA, ) in late 2022. The University has published its institutional CoARA action plan () that was also elaborated after a participatory process.

Both the structure and the way of working with the Open Knowledge Action Plan at the UOC can serve as an example of best practice and institutional change that can be repeated at other institutions.

Contributed by Pastora Martínez Samper, Open University of Catalonia, Spain