Mujeres TIC-Ayni Bolivia: when women get wings!

Cross-Cutting Themes

Since 1998, Ayni Bolivia () has been committed to reducing the digital divide in public schools across slum and rural areas, positively impacting over 30,000 underprivileged children and youth. Building on this legacy, the organization launched the Mujeres TIC-Ayni Bolivia programme to address gender inequalities by equipping young women (aged 14–20) with essential digital skills. This initiative promotes awareness of women’s rights, domestic violence prevention, and the dangers of online trafficking while improving technical proficiency in computer maintenance, safe internet use, and entrepreneurship.

The programme has achieved great impacts, directly training nearly 2,000 students and over 200 public school teachers during four years, with an indirect reach of 30,000 beneficiaries. Its impact includes increased digital literacy, greater female participation in technological fields, improved parental engagement in education, and enhanced vocational prospects, contributing to family income and self-confidence among participants. In 2025, Ayni Bolivia will expand its efforts by integrating AI and STEM-focused training, further empowering young women to explore technological sectors and develop innovative market opportunities, particularly in underserved areas.

Read more about the programme here:

Contributed by: Sylvia Ortega, Ayni Bolivia, Bolivia