Collaborative action on research assessment in the context of open science: CoARA
A dominant barrier to establishing open science as the norm lies in research assessment. Reconfiguring research assessment is a crucial endeavour for research organizations and funding bodies as well as for individual researchers, particularly those in the early stages of their careers. This priority ranks as a key action item within the European Research Area Policy Agenda for 2022–2024.
Drawing upon the initiatives of DORA and crafting time-bound commitments, the Coalition of Reforming Research Assessment (CoARA, ) sets forth a unified path for the reform of research evaluation while upholding organizational autonomy, across Europe and on a global scale. Started in 2022, CoARA convenes over 500 research-performing entities, research funding institutions, policy influencers and research infrastructure bodies across more than 40 countries.
By means of a worldwide coalition comprising research funding organizations, research-performing institutions, national and regional assessment authorities, agencies, associations and learned societies, signatories of the CoARA Agreement () are committed to effecting systemic transformation grounded in shared principles and within an agreed timeframe. Additionally, signatories commit to fostering the exchange of information and mutual learning.
Signatories pledge to disclose their progression in evaluating or constructing criteria, tools and procedures, aligned with the core Commitments and following an action plan with milestones defined by the community, by the end of 2023 or within one year of Agreement endorsement. Further, signatories commit to showcasing their advancements by the close of 2027 or within five years of signing the Agreement, a juncture by which they would have completed at least one cycle of reviewing and advancing their assessment criteria, tools and procedures.
Bearing in mind the inherently universal and transnational essence of research, which thrives on the movement of scholars and ideas, instituting a systemic transformation necessitates the active participation of research and research-affiliated institutions on a broad and all-encompassing scale. Consequently, broadening the membership of the Coalition across Europe and beyond, and formulating just policies and practices that serve the greater good, stands as a strategic focal point for CoARA.
Erzsébet Toth Czifra (CoARA Secretariat)