CERN recognizes open science as one of its guiding principles

The core values of the European Council for Nuclear Research (in French Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, CERN) include making research open and accessible for everyone. In September 2022, CERN approved a new policy for open science at the Organization, with immediate effect. The policy aims to make all CERN research fully accessible, inclusive, democratic and transparent, for both other researchers and wider society.

Published alongside the policy document is a dedicated website () explaining all the open science initiatives at CERN. It is planned to update the policy every two years.

The CERN Open Science Policy (2022) covers all elements of open science relevant to CERN. This includes, in particular, open access to research publications, data, software and hardware, as well as research integrity, infrastructure, education and outreach activities supporting or enabling open science practices.

The policy was developed by the Open Science Strategy Working Group (OSWG), which includes members from every CERN department. Drawing on existing bottom-up initiatives, the working group designed comprehensive guidelines for the CERN community on sharing its research within a new framework for open science. The OSWG now serves as the principal body to oversee open science in the organization, following the Implementation Plan (CERN 2023), and is charged with creating a biennial report.

Area(s) of action covered by the practice as per the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
For more information, please contact:

Kamran Naim (CERN)