Adopting open software solutions for participatory national data collectionالمكسيكLatin America and the Caribbean
"Girls and Science (Des filles et des sciences)" Project at Happy Chandara SchoolكمبودياAsia and the Pacific
Strengthening Gender Inclusion in Agricultural Research for More Conclusive Results in West AfricaAfrica
Mujeres TIC-Ayni Bolivia: when women get wings!بوليفيا٬ دولة - المتعددة القومياتLatin America and the Caribbean
STACS (Scottish Teachers Advancing Computing Science)المملكة المتحدة لبريطانيا العظمى وآيرلندا الشماليةEurope and North America
Gender Equality Team (GET) Working Group at the Italian National Research CouncilإيطالياEurope and North America
Social Media Campaign to Celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in EstoniaإستونياEurope and North America
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) supports STEM education for womenالولايات المتحدة الأمريكيةEurope and North America
Assessing research for social relevance in Latin America and the CaribbeanLatin America and the Caribbean
The Genders, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Working Group of the Marie Curie Alumni AssociationEurope and North America
Using a toolbox for recognition and rewards in academic assessments in NorwayالنرويجEurope and North America
IDRIC’s Video Showcase of Women Role Models in STEMالمملكة المتحدة لبريطانيا العظمى وآيرلندا الشماليةEurope and North America
African Foundation for Women and Youth in Education, Sciences, Technology and Innovation (AFoWYESTI)كينياAfrica
Virtual Conference for Women Archaeologists and Palaeontologists (VCWAP)فرنساEurope and North America
Collaborative action on research assessment in the context of open science: CoARAEurope and North America
Achieving Gender Equity in Research Funding by NHMRC’s 50:50 Investigator Grant InitiativeأسترالياAsia and the Pacific