Audio file
Amadou Hamp?té B?
Amadou Hamp?té B?
Malian writer and ethnologist. Member of the UNESCO Executive Board from 1962 to 1970.
16 July 1974. Interview of Amadou Hamp?té B? on the topic of “Considerations on the Sacred.” During his lifetime Hamp?té B? was considered the “living memory of Africa.” The legendary phrase “In Africa, when an old man dies, a library burns” is attributed to him. In reality, Hamp?té Ba declared, during a UNESCO meeting, “I consider the death of each of these holders of tradition akin to a fire that burns across unharvested cultural riches.”
Malian writer and ethnologist. Member of the UNESCO Executive Board from 1962 to 1970.
16 July 1974. Interview of Amadou Hamp?té B? on the topic of “Considerations on the Sacred.” During his lifetime Hamp?té B? was considered the “living memory of Africa.” The legendary phrase “In Africa, when an old man dies, a library burns” is attributed to him. In reality, Hamp?té Ba declared, during a UNESCO meeting, “I consider the death of each of these holders of tradition akin to a fire that burns across unharvested cultural riches.”
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André Malraux
André Malraux
French writer, statesman and intellectual.
8 March 1960, Paris. André Malraux, French Minister of State for Cultural Affairs, delivers an address at the ceremony marking the launch of the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia. On the request of the Egyptian and Sudanese Governments, UNESCO issued an appeal to Member States for the protection of monuments and sites threatened by flooding in the Nile Valley, due to the construction of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt. The appeal resulted in the salvage and relocation of several temples to higher ground, the most famous among them the temple complexes of Abu Simbel and Philae.
French writer, statesman and intellectual.
8 March 1960, Paris. André Malraux, French Minister of State for Cultural Affairs, delivers an address at the ceremony marking the launch of the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia. On the request of the Egyptian and Sudanese Governments, UNESCO issued an appeal to Member States for the protection of monuments and sites threatened by flooding in the Nile Valley, due to the construction of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt. The appeal resulted in the salvage and relocation of several temples to higher ground, the most famous among them the temple complexes of Abu Simbel and Philae.
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Arthur Miller
Arthur Miller
American writer, playwright and essayist.
American writer, playwright and essayist.
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Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle
French soldier, resistance fighter, statesman and writer. Speech by General de Gaulle, President of the French Republic, for the 20th anniversary of UNESCO. 04-11-1966
French soldier, resistance fighter, statesman and writer. Speech by General de Gaulle, President of the French Republic, for the 20th anniversary of UNESCO. 04-11-1966
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Christiane Desroches Noblecourt
Christiane Desroches Noblecourt
French archaeologist and Egyptologist.
1959. Christiane Desroches Noblecourt discusses the culture and history of Egypt and the Nile Valley, a year before the launch of the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia, a hallmark of international cooperation in the field of culture for which she played a decisive role. Her advocacy at UNESCO helped to shape the concept of a universal world heritage that must be protected.
French archaeologist and Egyptologist.
1959. Christiane Desroches Noblecourt discusses the culture and history of Egypt and the Nile Valley, a year before the launch of the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia, a hallmark of international cooperation in the field of culture for which she played a decisive role. Her advocacy at UNESCO helped to shape the concept of a universal world heritage that must be protected.
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Claude Lévi-Strauss
Claude Lévi-Strauss
French anthropologist and ethnologist.
22 March 1971, Speech by Claude Lévi-Strauss at the opening session of the conference on the theme of Race and Culture, held at UNESCO during the International Year for Combating Racism and Racial Discrimination.
French anthropologist and ethnologist.
22 March 1971, Speech by Claude Lévi-Strauss at the opening session of the conference on the theme of Race and Culture, held at UNESCO during the International Year for Combating Racism and Racial Discrimination.
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Duke Ellington
Duke Ellington
American jazz pianist, composer and bandleader.
Interview with Duke Ellington on the occasion of the Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres in Dakar (Senegal) in 1966.
American jazz pianist, composer and bandleader.
Interview with Duke Ellington on the occasion of the Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres in Dakar (Senegal) in 1966.
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Eugène Ionesco
Eugène Ionesco
Romanian-French playwright and writer.
19 February 1976. Statement by Eugene Ionesco on World Theatre Day, celebrated since 1961 on the initiative of the International Theatre Institute. The Institute was founded by UNESCO and the novelist JB Priestly in 1948.
Romanian-French playwright and writer.
19 February 1976. Statement by Eugene Ionesco on World Theatre Day, celebrated since 1961 on the initiative of the International Theatre Institute. The Institute was founded by UNESCO and the novelist JB Priestly in 1948.
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Gisèle Halimi
Gisèle Halimi
French-Tunisian lawyer, feminist activist and politician.
Interview with Me Gisèle Halimi on the occasion of the round table on International Women's Year (assessment and prospects).
French-Tunisian lawyer, feminist activist and politician.
Interview with Me Gisèle Halimi on the occasion of the round table on International Women's Year (assessment and prospects).
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Indira Gandhi
Indira Gandhi
Indian stateswoman.
Interview with Indira Gandhi, as a member of UNESCO's Executive Board.
Indian stateswoman.
Interview with Indira Gandhi, as a member of UNESCO's Executive Board.
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Jacques Yves Cousteau
Jacques Yves Cousteau
French naval officer and ocean explorer.
Interview with Jacques Yves Cousteau.
French naval officer and ocean explorer.
Interview with Jacques Yves Cousteau.
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Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges
13 November 1964, Paris. "Shakespeare and Us", address by Jorge Luis Borges during the symposium Shakespeare and the Literature of Our Time. The symposium was one of four events organized by UNESCO to celebrate the fourth centenary of Shakespeare from 13-15 November 1964.
13 November 1964, Paris. "Shakespeare and Us", address by Jorge Luis Borges during the symposium Shakespeare and the Literature of Our Time. The symposium was one of four events organized by UNESCO to celebrate the fourth centenary of Shakespeare from 13-15 November 1964.
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Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Joseph Ki-Zerbo
Historian and politician from Burkina Faso. Member of UNESCO Executive Board, editor of volume 1 of the General History of Africa published by UNESCO (1981).
1972, Paris. Interview with M. Joseph Ki-Zerbo on the Meeting of Experts on African Cultural Contributions to Latin America and the Caribbean Zone.
Historian and politician from Burkina Faso. Member of UNESCO Executive Board, editor of volume 1 of the General History of Africa published by UNESCO (1981).
1972, Paris. Interview with M. Joseph Ki-Zerbo on the Meeting of Experts on African Cultural Contributions to Latin America and the Caribbean Zone.
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Leopold Sedar Senghor
Leopold Sedar Senghor
French and later Senegalese statesman, poet, writer and first President of the Republic of Senegal.
Inauguration of UNESCO's Regional Office for Education in West Africa.
French and later Senegalese statesman, poet, writer and first President of the Republic of Senegal.
Inauguration of UNESCO's Regional Office for Education in West Africa.
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Miguel Angel Asturias
Miguel Angel Asturias
Guatemalan poet, diplomat and laureate of the 1965 Nobel Prize for Literature.
1967, Paris. Miguel Angel Asturias discusses literature, his early poems, UNESCO's role in Latin America's economic development, and the meaning of the Nobel Prize for him. He follows with a reading of one of his poems.
Guatemalan poet, diplomat and laureate of the 1965 Nobel Prize for Literature.
1967, Paris. Miguel Angel Asturias discusses literature, his early poems, UNESCO's role in Latin America's economic development, and the meaning of the Nobel Prize for him. He follows with a reading of one of his poems.
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Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
South African statesman
Speech by Nelson Mandela on the occasion of the presentation of the 1991 Felix Houphou?t-Boigny Peace Prize.
South African statesman
Speech by Nelson Mandela on the occasion of the presentation of the 1991 Felix Houphou?t-Boigny Peace Prize.
Audio file
Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda
Chilean poet, writer, politician, and intellectual. Recipient of the International Peace Prize in 1950, the Lenin Peace Prize and the Stalin Peace Prize in 1953, and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. Member of the UNESCO Delegation of Chile from 1972 to 1973.
16 February 1971. Statement by Pablo Neruda on World Theatre Day, celebrated since 1961 on the initiative of the International Theatre Institute. The Institute was founded by UNESCO and the novelist JB Priestly in 1948.
Chilean poet, writer, politician, and intellectual. Recipient of the International Peace Prize in 1950, the Lenin Peace Prize and the Stalin Peace Prize in 1953, and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. Member of the UNESCO Delegation of Chile from 1972 to 1973.
16 February 1971. Statement by Pablo Neruda on World Theatre Day, celebrated since 1961 on the initiative of the International Theatre Institute. The Institute was founded by UNESCO and the novelist JB Priestly in 1948.
Audio file
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso
Spanish painter, sculptor.
29 March 1958, Vallauris, France. Interview with Pablo Picasso, along with Jean Cocteau and Georges Salles, at the presentation of Picasso’s oeuvre commissioned by UNESCO, La chute d’Icare.
Spanish painter, sculptor.
29 March 1958, Vallauris, France. Interview with Pablo Picasso, along with Jean Cocteau and Georges Salles, at the presentation of Picasso’s oeuvre commissioned by UNESCO, La chute d’Icare.
Audio file
Simone Veil
Simone Veil
French stateswoman and magistrate.
1979, Paris. Speech by Simone Veil, then French Minister of Health, at a conference organized by the International Union of Family Organisations on the theme, "The Responsibilities of the Family in the Child's Upbringing," during the International Year of the Child proclaimed by UNESCO in 1979.
French stateswoman and magistrate.
1979, Paris. Speech by Simone Veil, then French Minister of Health, at a conference organized by the International Union of Family Organisations on the theme, "The Responsibilities of the Family in the Child's Upbringing," during the International Year of the Child proclaimed by UNESCO in 1979.