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Madre de las Aguas Biosphere Reserve (Dominican Republic)


In the heart of the Dominican Republic, Madre de las Aguas Biosphere Reserve is a sprawling expanse that encompasses 11 provinces and 35 municipalities, sheltering a population of 472 526 and spanning 9 374 km².
This territory is characterized by its diverse topography, which has been sculpted by the Cordillera Central. An array of natural wonders ranging from plateaus to cascading waterfalls form an intricate tapestry of landscapes. The biosphere reserve features four distinct ecosystems which harbour 88 avian species, 20 of which are endemic and 17 under threat. The Sparrowhawk (Buteo ridgwayi) is deemed to be Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, for instance.
Local stakeholders believe that the designation of the biosphere reserve will have a positive impact on current conflicts over land by providing opportunities for dialogue and sustainable development through ecotourism and agriculture primarily.

Type: B-Roll
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Publisher: UNESCO TV
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Original: Video.MP4
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: STUDIO-2024_biosphere_reserves_dominican_republic
Rights holder: UNESCO