WRD2024 - 19: Freedom of Expression
Presenting a World Radio Day Minute. Proclaimed in 2011 by UNESCO and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as a UN International Day, February 13 is World Radio Day…
For democracy to survive and even thrive, and for peace to ultimately prevail in times of heightened discord and tension, it is important for radio and those guiding its programming to remain true to the fundamental principles of freedom of expression and right to information. In a noisy world of competing narratives, reliable broadcasters treat guests, callers, listeners and each other with respect and civility. Radio will survive in the years to come if its practitioners avoid the tendency to pursue victory at the expense of accuracy and fairness. For more than a century as an iconic mass medium, radio has generated goodwill and has more often than not been guided by this compass. May it continue in that direction. This has been a World Radio Day minute from UNESCO.
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World Radio Day 2024
Type: Promotional material
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Publisher: UNESCO Communication and Information Sector
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Rights: CC-BY-SA