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WRD2024 - 18: Radio and Education

Language: English

Presenting a World Radio Day Minute. Proclaimed in 2011 by UNESCO and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as a UN International Day, February 13 is World Radio Day…

Three services that radio provides are informing, entertaining, and educating. Let’s look at educating. Radio is a great educator covering all from basic education to the academic disciplines of history, science, civics, psychology, economics, practical instruction, self-improvement and more. Radio helps people in hard-to-reach areas, fix their roofs, grow their gardens, repair their cars, eat healthy foods, get exercise, manage their money, get along with friends and families… and vote with an understanding of democratic principles. Education is the remedy to ignorance. Enlightenment fosters critical thinking, inclusion and mutual understanding that contribute to peace. This has been a World Radio Day minute from UNESCO.

on this subject: World Radio Day 2024

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Place/region: UNESCO HQ
Type: Promotional material
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Publisher: UNESCO Communication and Information Sector
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Rights: CC-BY-SA

Original: Audio.MP3
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: SYNAV-2023-11-15-CI-WRD2024-18
Rights holder: UNESCO