WRD2024 - 12: The Boundary Between Fact and Fiction
Presenting a World Radio Day Minute. Proclaimed in 2011 by UNESCO and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as a UN International Day, February 13 is World Radio Day…
Since media transmit both news and entertainment , they could help educate audiences about how to distinguish fact from fiction. Fiction mistaken as news is not just a modern phenomenon. In 1938, flamboyant actor/director Orson Welles’ Mercury Theater presented an adaption of H.G. Wells’ “War of the Worlds” on the CBS Radio Network the night before Halloween that reportedly instigated panic among thousands of listeners who thought New Jersey USA was being invaded by Martians. Today, more than any time in history, people should have competencies to critical analyse information. Radio can empower listeners to be more discerning. This has been a World Radio Day minute from UNESCO.
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World Radio Day 2024
Type: Promotional material
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Publisher: UNESCO Communication and Information Sector
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Rights: CC-BY-SA