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WRD2024 - 11: Radio and the Eiffel Tower

Language: English

Presenting a World Radio Day Minute. Proclaimed in 2011 by UNESCO and endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as a UN International Day, February 13 is World Radio Day…

Did you know that the Eiffel Tower in Paris was involved in the early development of radio? And radio was equally involved in saving the Tower from its scheduled demolition shortly after serving its original purpose as a temporary symbol of the 1889 Paris Exposition Universelle – a major world’s fair. In 1903, radiotelegraphy equipment was installed on the iconic French landmark giving the giant structure a whole new purpose – especially as a military communications asset - and extending its use long enough for people to not only get used to it – but to love it. For many years the Eiffel Tower's transmitter was one of the most powerful in the world. This has been a World Radio Day minute from UNESCO.

on this subject: World Radio Day 2024

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Place/region: Eiffel Tower, UNESCO HQ
Type: Promotional material
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Publisher: UNESCO Communication and Information Sector
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Rights: CC-BY-SA

Original: Audio.MP3
Location: EV only
UMVS reference: SYNAV-2023-11-15-CI-WRD2024-11
Rights holder: UNESCO